«Thé de l'après-midi aux châtaignes» Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu

«Thé de l'après-midi aux châtaignes» Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu

Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu is offering a "Chestnut Afternoon Tea" with a theme centered around the autumn flavor of chestnuts.

The petit gateau features a rich sweetness of chestnut cream and jelly, combined with a refreshing texture of Western pear compote. The lineup also includes a mousse cake with a perfect balance of cassis tartness and gentle chestnut flavor, as well as a "Mont Blanc Matcha" where the subtle bitterness of matcha complements the sweetness of vanilla.

Furthermore, there is a variety of savory options such as a "Focaccia Sandwich with Chestnut Cream, accented with the fragrance of almonds and pistachios," a "Rose Potato Gratin" inspired by rose, and a "Mushroom and Baby Scallop Peperoncino."

Petit Gateau (Chestnut Cream and Western Pear Compote, Chestnut Mille-feuille, Cassis and Chestnut Mousse, Mont Blanc Matcha, Financier, Macaron, Chocolate, Diamant) / Chestnuts / Seasonal Fruits / Mushroom and Baby Scallop Peperoncino / Grilled Green Onion and Beef Marinade / Focaccia Sandwich with Chestnut Cream / Rose Potato Gratin / Chicken with Apple Gastrique Sauce / Two Types of Scones (Chestnut, Plain) / Coffee or Tea.

1 person:6,300 yen~

Sets with unlimited sparkling wine refills available.
Tax and service charge included.



Minato Mirai 21 / Sakuragi-cho


Event Dates: October 16th, 2023 (Monday) to November 30th, 2023 (Thursday)
1st Session: 12:00 PM - / 2nd Session: 2:30 PM -

Each session lasts for 2 hours.
Limited availability, reservation required at least 3 days in advance.


Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu, 2nd Floor Lounge "SOMER HOUSE"




045-682-2255 (Restaurant Reservation)