InterContinental Yokohama Pier 8

InterContinental Yokohama Pier 8 is recommended for its maritime location, which is extremely rare in Japan. Located on the pier, this low-rise building is surrounded by the sea on three sides and offers unparalleled views. The room design is reminiscent of cruise experiences, while giving guests the impression of enjoying cruise travel here inside the hotel.

A stroll around the hotel is highly recommended. You and your family can fully enjoy the YOKOHAMA HAMMERHEAD, Aka-Renga Park, OSANBASHI YOKOHAMA INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER TERMINAL, and Yamashita Park etc within an hour while viewing the inspirational history of Yokohama.

Another way to enjoy hotel life that travel designers cannot miss out on is relaxing on the roof top where travelers feel the first port town atmosphere in Yokohama itself.

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