Taking over the Hawaiian hospitality, the second Kahala brand was born in Yokohama during pandemic period. It should not be overlooked that the first Hawaiian immigrants were the people of Yokohama at that time, who left for Hawaii from the port of Yokohama. As in the case of the immigrants, Yokohama has various “beginnings of things” both as a representative of the frontier spirit and as a place where the frontier spirit was spread. The breath of that pioneering spirit is a major reason why Kahala has attracted so many celebrities as a hotel brand.

A must-see facility we recommend is the Kahala Room inside The Kahala Collection on the first floor. Visitors can enjoy photos of the many celebrities who have visited here. Travel designers should not miss Kahala’s philanthropic activity, KISKA (The Kahala Initiative for Sustainability, Culture and the Arts). This Hawaii-based project, which relies on donations from guests to help plant trees, should be used in Yokohama to plant Scidmore cherry tree saplings and roses as the city flower.


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